Can Airsoft Gun Pop Car Tires

Can Airsoft Gun Pop Car Tires


I am shocked and awed at the power of my stock .25 Marauder. Yesterday I took a shot at a big quail predator which coincidentally was in the same management equally my wife's Contrivance 1500 50 yards away. The JSB 25.39 gr pellet actually passed under the predator and striking 1″ above the ground on the tread of the tire of her truck. I idea it might have but could find no damage or mark. This morning the tire was flat. I thought uh oh I did hit and puncture it. Took it off and aired it up and found what appeared to be a mesquite thorn puncture so I told my wife it looked similar it was Not me that did it after all. Well she took it to town to get it fixed and upon her return presented me with ….yep you guessed information technology a JSB 25.39 gr pellet. That shot price me $8, an aroused wife and I did non even go the predator (till a flake later that is). 🙁



The bad affair is that likely yous volition never hear the cease of this. Every woman I know has an incredible memory for whatever mistake made by her man. Expect this incident to be brought upward any time she does something you lot disagree with/ disapprove of.


I'thousand a bit surprised actually.  I've shot a newish tennis ball with my WC .25 and gotten all through and throughs but a tire?  Apparently my thoughts regarding fps, bc and penetration are not at all scientific.


LOL!    You lot're lucky the hole was patchable.  If it hit whatsoever higher, into the side wall,  information technology probably would of cost you a new tire.





United States

Thurmond, Thurmond , Thurmond, I know you were taught meliorate than that. Always cheque your dorsum stop. Hahaha! When I was 18, I woke up in the eye of the night because our Boxer Bulldogs  were going crazy outside my window. It was an opossum which I neatly dispatched with my 12 gauge shotgun. My dad woke me early in the morning when he was leaving for work. He was not to happy. He said did you lot do that to your grandmothers car. I went outside and there were large chunks of possum all over her car. Needless to say my dispatch job wasn't equally dandy as I thought and I had to wash a car mighty early.


"plinker"Thurmond, Thurmond , Thurmond, I know you were taught better than that. Always check your back finish. Hahaha! When I was 18, I woke upwards in the heart of the nighttime considering our Boxer Bulldogs  were going crazy outside my window. It was an opossum which I neatly dispatched with my 12 gauge shotgun. My dad woke me early in the morning when he was leaving for work. He was non to happy. He said did you do that to your grandmothers car. I went outside and there were big chunks of possum all over her car. Needless to say my dispatch job wasn't every bit not bad as I idea and I had to wash a machine mighty early.



Possum guts at least tin can exist done off. Pellets through her car might have been a bit harder to correct. lol
I was taught better for sure. She has the bad habit of moving the vehicle constantly to the shade which of course is right where the vermin targets are on a triple digit temperature day. I confess this is at present the second fourth dimension. The first was some fourth dimension ago before PCP'south and with a 22 Short CB at 30 ft lbs bounce off the ground shot into the GAS TANK! Can still hear that ane rattle around. All the gas is now leaded in that vehicle. Thank goodness for Rhino Epoxy. lol

Honestly I am more careful at night because I practice Non desire to find a dead moo-cow or yearling the next morning. 😛







Thurmond you lot are a hoot. Looking for something better than CB shorts is ane thing that got me into pcp'due south. They ricochet terribly, fifty-fifty off of dirt like you say. 'Leaded gas', 😆 I beloved it! They say things are bigger in Texas and I believe it. You have a large humour.


I am surprised that it punctured the tire.  I'd recollect that the steel belting would have stopped anything short of a .22lr.  I gauge I know meliorate now.





United States

Wow! Great find ztirffritz. I had always been told, nah, a bullet won't go through a tire. That stuff but happens in the movies. Cops don't actually shoot out tires. So perchance they can, or is it a dissimilar scenario when the tire is apace spinning?? We might take to call in the spguns guy.


"plinker"Wow! Great find ztirffritz. I had ever been told, nah, a bullet won't go through a tire. That stuff only happens in the movies. Cops don't actually shoot out tires. And so possibly they tin can, or is it a different scenario when the tire is rapidly spinning?? We might have to call in the spguns guy.

spguns can exist our own in-house Airgun version of Mythbusters.


"regsmeeton"The bad thing is that likely you volition never hear the end of this. Every adult female I know has an incredible retentivity for any error fabricated by her human being. Expect this incident to exist brought upwardly any fourth dimension she does something you disagree with/ disapprove of.

That's exactly why I blamed the flat tire I caused on "her clipping the curb when parking". It's a skilful idea to accept it to get it repaired yourself when this kind of matter happens. My married woman is a fleck of a Sherlock Holmes and, if left to deal with the auto repair guy, there is no way she wouldn't have found out my dirty shameful little clandestine. Instead of bringing it up every time we have an argument, I got browny points for taking care of the problem…. So bad and still so good!

My my accident was acquired past a ricochet then there is definitely enough ability to accept out a tire with a pcp rifle with plenty to spare.

They didn't make the aforementioned tires anymore so I needed to buy 2 new ones – shut to a $500 bill. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again.  It'southward really that chipmunks fault anyhow…


Peradventure tires should exist added to the thread, "things you shouldn't shoot with a pellet burglarize".

Smashing stories!


When I was 15 me and a buddy were shooting nutria rats on lake fork in texas…….with .22lr. We must have shot lxxx nutrias wading in chest waders through flooded swampland that day. I remember taking a shot at a nutria but to hear someone yelling back at me. It was duck flavour and a couple of guys were about 300 yards out in a fully camoflaged john boat with a blind. They were directly behind that nutria I shot at. They were very well concealed. I knew better besides…..but now Im downright anal about where I shoot. The ricochet gene is a large reason I like my .22 pcp.


One problem I don't accept is worrying nigh people. No kids and 480 acres and then all I have to know is the location of my Married woman, Cattle, True cat and at present Vehicles! 😛







480 Acres and you still killed the tire?  LMAO!!!
Your married woman is going to enjoy this story for the rest of YOUR life!
I must give you credit, yous are a bigger human being than me, I would have played dumb merely would accept been kind to my married woman and offered to get her tire fixed with no mention as to its crusade but maybe mention it might accept been the mesquite?  We do all thank y'all for sharing your story and giving all of united states a skilful chuckle.  Thanks 🙂

Just curious, what part of Texas?


Roughly 101W past 33N  Translated: Eye of Nowhere. Look me up on the member map for a better wait.
She has lots of those stories….I am her simply kid! 😛





Fellow member

United States

The best function of the story is that she had to get and go the flat fixed.





United States

"regsmeeton"The bad thing is that likely y'all will never hear the end of this. Every woman I know has an incredible memory for any fault made by her man. Expect this incident to be brought up any time she does something you disagree with/ disapprove of.

Amen brother!





"T3PRanch". That shot toll me $eight,


Oh wow I ain a tireshop and we accuse 25€ for it.
I know taxes then on merely still. I guess its only not airguns that are cheap in the states.

Anyways would never recall that a pellet would penetrate a tyre. Must be some big floppy american size. Looks similar ill have to examination information technology out 😀

Can Airsoft Gun Pop Car Tires

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